Potential natural vegetation of eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). Volume 9. Atlas and tree species composition for Rwanda


Volume 9 of the Potential Natural Vegetation of Eastern Africa publication series is an atlas illustrating the potential natural vegetation of Rwanda. It also shows the tree species composition of vegetation types. It is most useful for researchers.


Kindt R., van Breugel P., Lillesø J-P.B., Minani V., Ruffo C.K., Gapusi J., Jamnadass R., Graudal L., 2014, Potential natural vegetation of eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). Volume 9. Atlas and tree species composition for Rwanda, https://static-curis.ku.dk/portal/files/244366338/2_VECEA_Volume_9_Rwanda.pdf
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